Studio Manager 9 Estimate Options
Multi-Option Estimates
You can show up to 4 options and columns on one page. The most common use, traditionally, has been to show options for different finished quantities. But there are many other uses. You could have basic, full-featured, and deluxe. Or Low and High to show a range. Now you can respond quickly to a prospective customer who wants to see all his options. Sometimes that determines whether you get the job.

Flat Fee Estimates
Now you can use a paragraph and single dollar amount for your fee OR itemize your fee by line items like design, art direction, production, etc.. This gives you the flexibility to provide detailed breakdowns when the client requires them and to show less detail when they don't.

Summary Estimates New in Studio Manager 9
In Studio Manager 9, we've added what we call a summary estimate. It is a paragraph or two description plus a number for the fee and another matching paragraph or two plus a number for expenses. You can still run a line item estimate to see what those numbers should be approximately and to set a budget for your staff. Check out the New Features page for details.