The Studio Manager 18 Demo is Free
Fill in minimal required fields and the demo is yours in a couple of minutes!
The SM18 Demo is for those who want a “try before you buy” free demo to test software before buying. This one is a full-function, but protected (no Layout mode, limited to 4 users), demonstration version with a quick and entertaining (no kidding) walk-thru demo manual.
If you have a big monitor handy and are in a hurry, put the demo manual PDF on one side and Studio Manager on the other. Or, if you prefer, print out the screen-shot-filled PDF demo manual (in color for best results) and peruse it on your couch or favorite easy chair. iPad lovers can, of course, view the PDF on any iPad. In any case, keep the manual by your side, or on your screen, as you run through the demo.
Download the demo of Studio Manager 18 to your Apple mobile device. This is the 7th release of Manager to support use on the iPad and iPhone. Thanks to the smarts of FileMaker Go and the skill of Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designer Scout Tomyris, Studio Manager 18 will recognize the mobile device you are using and display the appropriately sized layouts. Rotate and it switches automatically between portrait and landscape layouts. This convenient feature allows you to use your device in the orientation that works best for you.
SM18 on your iPad in Portrait View
SM18 on an iPhone or iPad
An iPhone of any size is accommodated with dedicated layouts. You are covered all the way down to the iPhone SE and up to the Pro Max. Thank Claris for continuing to update FileMaker Go, and making it available for free on the App Store.
Studio Manager’s iPad layouts easily work with all sizes of iPads and iPad Pros, even the smaller iPad mini. The mini is definitely workable, although larger iPads permit the easiest touch control. You might want to use an Apple Pencil, if compatible, or a stylus with the mini.
If you have FileMaker Pro 17, 18 or 19, on your Mac or PC, or a free trial version of FileMaker 19,* you can play with the demo for just the price of your time, because FileMaker Go 19 is also free. Try opening Studio Manager on your Mac or PC, then opening it remotely on your iPhone and iPad.
You can load the demo directly onto your iPad or iPhone from the downlaod link on our site (minimal registration required). Alternatively, you can download the demo to your computer and then transfer it to your device. Or, if you have Dropbox, and the free Dropbox app on your iPad or iPhone, you can open the demo in Dropbox and then “Open in…” FileMaker Go.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. The ReadMe file you get with the demo has phone numbers and Janet Tokerud’s email address. She’s the developer of Studio Manager and knows more about it than anyone else on the planet.
Final notes about the Studio Manager 18 Demo. You’ll notice that some of the sample data is quite old. That’s because Studio Manager has been in continual development for several decades. The screenshots on this page were taken from Janet’s iPad and iPhone. Click on an image to see it enlarged.
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Want to see
I would like to test this product. I’m interested by studio task management.
Exploring for use in a video production company
We are a pretty new production company, but I’ve been using FileMaker since the very first version…many years ago.
Our website is basically crap right now as we are rebranding.
Thanks !
looking to upgrade!
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