You can download the demo of Studio Manager 11 now. You’ll need an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch running FileMaker Go to see the meat of this release. If you have FileMaker Pro 10 or 11, the demo will work as well — it just won’t be very different from the FileMaker 10 demo.
Fill in minimal required fields and the demo will be yours in a couple minutes! I just took this screenshot from my iPad. Click for full size.
FileMaker Go is $40 for the iPad and $20 for the iPhone. Right now FileMaker Inc. has a deal where you can buy a copy of FileMaker Pro for 1/2 price – see below.
When you have FileMaker Go, you can get the demo on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch directly from the download link on our site (minimal registration required). You can also download the demo to your computer and then transfer the demo to your device via iTunes. If you have dropbox and the free dropbox app on your iPad or iPhone, you can open the demo in dropbox and then send it over to FileMaker Go.
We are now turning to finishing up documentation for using Studio Manager 11 on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. Work continues… We are working on an eBook that will be readable in iBooks. The iPhone version is about done, so that may be up later today. The iPad version is more extensive in scope so it may be a while longer. If you have an iPad and iPhone, do try Studio Manager 11 on both.
If you have FileMaker Pro 10 or 11 and an iPad or iPhone or iPod touch, try it on everything you’ve got.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. The readme you get with the demo has phone numbers and email.