This is a screenshot of the Clients tab in our new release. Click to see it in full resolution.
Official release of 13.1 is set for January 12, 2015. But, don’t let that stop you from prepaying to get the tax deduction this year. A single user copy of Studio Manager 13.1 is $695. See our full price list on the Price tab.
Studio Manager 13 is available now with a free upgrade to 13.1. What this lets you do is play around for a few days and learn the basics with a very, very similar product (just not quite as nice) and then dive in and get up and running with Studio Manager 13.1 when it comes out on January 12.
Upgraders Get 30-60% off. Â You’ll get a 30 to 60% discount depending just how old your current copy of Studio Manager is. You get 40% off if you have Studio Manager 8 which was released in December 2006 as an example.
You will need FileMaker Pro 13 or FileMaker Go 13 for this version. The demo that is up right now is Studio Manager 13 — not 13.1 — yet. You’ll need FileMaker Pro 13 to run the demo but you can just download the free trial version of FileMaker Pro 13 from
Feel free to contact us including by text with your questions: Contact information is here. We are on West Coast time e.g. Pacific Time so the day is still young and we want to help you out any way we can.
Happy New Year!