Studio Manager 13 Timesheet Entry Screen


in FileMaker 13, SM News, Studio Manager 13

It is July 2nd and we had hoped to be done with Studio Manager 13 by now. Not quite. We are perfectionists like our clients and aren’t done making Studio Manager 13 look exactly like it should.

Our new target release date is July 15. To tide you over for a bit, here is the current not quite perfected Timesheet Entry screen as seen on the iPad. FileMaker 13 is much faster than FileMaker 12 and the new iPads are wicked fast so timesheets on an iPad work just fine thank you!

If your firm or work group is really on its game, time can be tracked by task as well as kind of work giving production staff a way to see how much time is left on a given task. Perfectionists sometimes need reminders that the allotted time for a given task is expended.

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