Studio Manager 18 is Done — SM18 Demo is Going up


in FileMaker 18, New Version, Studio Manager 18

We are doing very last minute things like editing the PHP in our Demo tab prompt so you can download the demo. It should be all done by 1 pm Dec 30 2019 PST. Scout felt the need to edit the iPad SM18 Demo About screen, but I’m hopeful she will get it perfected in time so I can meet my 1 pm go live time for the demo. It’s SO CLOSE.

Our Studio Manager 18 Demo is FREE. It is also based on the full Studio Manager 18 product so we have to have the full product done to make it. You won’t find more pre purchase information for a vertical market product anything as professionally done as this with a better demo to help you evaluate it. We’ve looked at some of the demos from our peers and they are more like marketing promos, not the real thing you will get when you buy.

The only thing, really, that separates the SM18 demo from the product is it doesn’t have Full Access. That is stripped out. It doesn’t let you change the layouts – all 500+ of them. You’ll need our help there if you have a demo to do that needs some customizing for a proof of concept.

OK back to work. If you somehow wound up with the SM16 demo in this crossover period – our apologies and please try again after 1 pm Dec 30. There is actually a LOT OF VALUE in the demo version alone. Happy Holidays.

See below for contact info if you have questions or want to purchase.

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