Studio Manager 9.2 Product is Available


in New Version

Demo to follow. I wrote a brief blog post on Studio Manager Bulletin about SM 9.2 here. Major features are:

Added 13 table view layouts with sub-summaries that work in browse mode. These new table views have special and appropriate sort buttons with multiple subheads and subtotals that appear or disappear depending on how you sort. This is a fabulous new FileMaker 10 feature for our early adopter FileMaker 10 users. And they work with FM9 too, without the browse-mode summaries.

Scrunching Studio Manager 14 pixels shorter and widening it 15 pixels to help SM run on 13″ monitors with FileMaker 10. FileMaker 10 has this rather thick toolbar across the top that makes vertical space dicey on small screens especially if you have the dock at the bottom of your screen.

Come see why table view layouts are cool over at my FileMaker Fever blog: Part 1 and Part 2.

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