Keep in mind that cosmetics have not been finalized but we want to help you imagine yourself accessing Studio Manager via an iPhone or iPod touch. This is the employee dashboard. When employee’s login, they land here and see today’s tasks on tab 1 and a timesheet for today on tab 2. We are simplifying the experience and, we think this could work in your office right now.
One of the really important distinctions between this FileMaker-based iPhone and iPod touch capability is that all this stuff is customizable by you. This is FileMaker-easy stuff to change around or add to. Studio Manager is a very full-featured product on the desktop. With the addition of the cheap FileMaker Go product ($20 iPhone, $40 iPad), we can cherry-pick the features of Studio Manager as we like. You can do this too. You can have an iPhone and iPad capability for your business with extremely customizable Studio Manager at its core.
We are targeting release before Christmas for all these iPhone and iPad capabilities built into Studio Manager. We are picking and choosing priority features that we feel are essentials for Studio Manager 11.