Why Studio Manager? The Big Picture
Studio Manager is different. It’s turning heads in the creative services industry. Here’s why:
Industry Specific. Studio Manager is vertical market software built for creative services businesses like graphic design. Unlike the typical vertical market package, it’s based on our deep and broad knowledge of the industry.
As custom developers, we had already built over fifty different custom systems before we first created Studio Manager in 1992. We had access to all those good ideas and learned from the bad ones. Since then, we’ve continued to focus on the creative services segment and have worked with hundreds of design and advertising firms around the world.
Flexible. Customizable. Turbulent times mean you have to move fast! Your information infrastructure has to be easy to modify when you change things around. Yet, software has a well-deserved bad reputation for being rigid and hard to change. FileMaker provides extreme ease of use and flexibility. Studio Manager lets you travel light on your feet because (1) it is based on FileMaker and (2) we don’t lock it down. Add fields, change layouts, delete things you don’t want. You are not dependent on us. You don’t have to beg us to put in a new feature and then wait around. Just do it!
Design. Our own in-house design talent has been augmented by contributions from some of our top design clients; we figured we should take advantage of the fact that our clients are some of the best designers around. There’s consistency throughout. Once you learn one part, the rest works the same way. We’ve strived for a clean look that conforms to a grid and flows logically.
Quality. We proudly admit to being perfectionists when it comes to making Studio Manager rock solid. You’ll find all the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed in Studio Manager. It looks good, does what it is supposed to do and, even behind the scenes, you’ll find quality. Anyone who looks into the field definitions, layouts or scripting will see organization and consistency. Quality makes Studio Manager trouble-free.
Support. Besides the impressive technology in this product, you get first-rate support. We are connoisseurs of fine people skills. Way before we check for technical ability and knowhow, we make sure our people have integrity and are great communicators. For a software firm, we have a collective emotional IQ that is off the charts! Call us and see for yourself.
Value. We’ve got low prices. And we are afraid that you will think badly of us for it. But, we’ve got a plan. There are jillions of small creative services businesses on this planet and we want a lot of them to buy Studio Manager. We want big firms to buy too, but if we priced the product as high as some have suggested, only a fraction of firms could afford it. So we are taking the gamble and going for volume and building our market share. Before we come to our senses, buy Studio Manager now!
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