Emailing Contacts Gets Database Power in SM10


in New Version, SM News, Studio Manager, Studio Manager 10

SM10_Email_Pop-up_WindowUp till now, when you clicked the link in a contact record to send an email, you got a new empty email in your default email program. That is efficient but left any mission critical information in your email system, not in your database.

Not good enough for Studio Manager 10. So, now when you click the link you get a compact email pop-up window that lets you continue to your email but, if you wish, you can select the job, insert that job ID in your email, enter the body right there. Then, when you send, you get all that data nicely tucked away in your Studio Manager database as well as an email to client or to a team member.

Each employee has a signature and preferences regarding email. You can standardize your signatures if you like.

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