Studio Manager 10 Gets a Dashboard


in New Version, SM News, Studio Manager, Studio Manager 10


In Studio Manager 10, you start out on your own dashboard. From there you see your jobs and tasks deadlines. To spice things up a bit more, you also have a compact timesheet right there. You don’t have to navigate Studio Manager’s various entry screens anymore to get your job done.

You get two big benefits from the dashboard. First, we cut the time it takes to keep on top of your task deadlines and record your time. Second, advanced managerial functions are kept out of your worker’s way. Think of Studio Manager 10 as a big holiday KISS for your hardworking employees and freelancers. There’s lots more power for your managers when they need it, one click away.

How Does it Work? The dashboard lets you convert a job or task on your list into a time entry by clicking the green clock button for that job or task. Most workers use the same billing code most of the time, so that also enters automatically when you create new time entries (if you have opted for a default billing code). Record the task and job automatically, enter your time and perhaps a note. Then, get out of dodge or back to work whatever the case may be!

There’s actually a bit more functionality on this dashboard, but you’ll have to wait for the next post to find out about it. Should be up within 24-48 hours max.

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