FileMaker 14 Released today and What about Studio Manager?


in Compatibility, FileMaker 14, SM News

FileMaker Pro 14 and its associated products released this morning at 6 am. FileMaker insiders knew that FileMaker 14 was coming within 6 months but we never know when exactly as it is with most software. You will need to be running OS X 10.9 Mavericks or 10.10 Yosemite on Mac or Windows 7 or higher to run FileMaker Pro 14. If you are running Windows, you should look at the Tech Specs for Filemaker 14 on to make sure your particular version and flavor of Windows is compatible.

FileMaker Pro 14 is packed with great new features and improvements that will make it worth your while to upgrade or choose FileMaker as your platform for a mission critical system with great decision support features and end-user friendliness.

If you are an existing Studio Manager customer, don’t upgrade on day one. Some of the FileMaker community will upgrade or do trial conversions in the next couple weeks and we will see from that whether or not there are important bugs or limitations.

We will keep you informed as we learn more about the released version of FileMaker Pro 14. But for now, we expect it will be a very solid and reliable release with a small number of minor issues in certain situations just as a new release of OS X has its issues for a minority of users. I will be testing FileMaker 14 with Studio Manager and other FileMaker solutions. I will also be keeping tabs on other FileMaker sites and FileMaker forums to see when it is prudent to pull the trigger on a mission critical upgrade to 14.

Re Studio Manager 13 and eventually 14. What can you expect? We will immediately be doing a trial conversion to SM14 and start testing it to see if there are any issues. We will also be going a little slower but also be learning about pre Studio Manager 13 compatibility.

So far any version of Studio Manager above Studio Manager 7 has been largely compatible as is with FileMaker 12 or higher. We have noticed some layout issues on pre Studio Manager 12 entry screens that make it harder to to change fonts but this limitation has not affected functionality. However, we aren’t at your shop using Studio Manager in your exact situation, so we advise that you always do a trial conversion and evaluate what happens when you convert and see if all the most important things you use work fine before doing a production conversion.

Studio Manager 14 New Features and Changes. We have not done all the strategic and technical analysis we need to do to determine what we want to add or change in Studio Manager 14. But now that we have a released product we will start that effort in earnest.

Web-browser Timesheets are a Possibility. One major addition we may make to this version is support for access in a web browser. We aren’t sure how extensive that support will be because a web browser cannot do everything FileMaker can do and we have to see what it will take to make the functionality on something like Studio Manager Timesheets work with a web browser. Timesheets, though, are likely to be the first thing we evaluate and then tackle.

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