We are working on Studio Manager 13.1 for release this month…
When iOS 8 was first released, our tests of Studio Manager 13 with an iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus was flawless. Just as promised, screens were simply enlarged for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Since the release of FileMaker Go 13.0.7 in late November, things have changed.
This is for the better in the long run. Now the unique virtues of the 6 and 6 Plus screens are better supported. But, you need to make layouts larger. What we are doing with our new Studio Manager 13.1 is to create additional iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus layouts.
We already had iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 layouts so we are used to this sizing issue. It is quite easy to simply duplicate the layouts and widen and lengthen them for the larger devices. However, if you want this to be slick, a little bit of scripting needs to happen and a couple custom functions need to be created to smoothly navigate automatically to the right layout for your device size. Janet has been able to make the changes to the backend within an hour and we are happy to share this information with any of our customers.
We’ve got the little bit of mojo working and now are just duplicating, enlarging and taking advantage of the extra space on the iPhone 6. We are going to go ahead and treat the iPhone 6 as the *normal* iPhone but iPhone 4, iPhone 5 and iPhone 6 Plus will each be treated to as much or as little screen real estate as they can handle.
Any tips on how to detect iPhone screen size would be greatly received.
I have created 3 layouts; Desktop, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+ and am not sure on how (or where) to detect for them.
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