FileMaker Inc. Says FileMaker Pro 13.0 & FM Server 13.0v5 is Compatible with OS X Yosemite


in Compatibility, FileMaker 13, SM News, Studio Manager, Studio Manager 13



UPDATED 11/20/14: FileMaker Pro 13.0v4 and FileMaker Pro 13 Advanced (13.0v4) are compatible with OS X Yosemite according to FileMaker Inc.: FileMaker Server 13.0v5 is now shown as compatible.

There are now only 3 minor known graphical interface issues we quote:

  • The Sample Color tool does not work when invoked via right clicking on a field and picking “fill” from the contextual menu.
  • Video launched from an interactive container and played in full screen mode will be enlarged rather than reduced, which may cause video content to be truncated.
  • Highlighted items in field drop down lists are rendered as black text that can be difficult to read.

Keep in mind this compatibility is only for FileMaker Pro 13. It seems clear from the FileMaker help on versions of FileMaker Pro prior to FileMaker Pro 13 that FileMaker Inc. is not going to be able to do thorough testing on these older versions to be able to provide assurances that all will be well in Yosemite.

We encourage our Mac-based Studio Manager customers to upgrade to FileMaker Pro 13 if you want to take advantage of the many amenities available in OS X Yosemite. We’ve seen good results with customers upgrading from versions of of Studio Manager starting with Studio Manager 7. You may be interested in upgrading your copy of Studio Manager as well but that’s not required.

One thing to note about upgrading. If you are upgrading from Studio Manager 8 or so, you may need our assistance in modifying the startup script so that it will allow Studio Manager to open in recent versions of FileMaker Pro. We charge $100 to make this change on your behalf — it requires full access to change this script.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about these things. We are happy to help you sort out any questions you have.

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