Studio Manager 10 Sale Extended to Jan 15


in New Demo, New Version, SM News, Studio Manager 10

Just a few minutes ago, we decided to extend the 25% off sale to January 15. We were a little late getting Studio Manager 10 out the door, releasing it on December 22nd. A little too close to Christmas for a lot of people. When we sent out notifications, we got a lot of gone for the holidays notices. Under the circumstances, we are really happy with the response to our sale.

And, we are pretty sure more of you want to upgrade to Studio Manager 10 but need a little extra time to evaluate the demo which didn’t come out until December 23. Some of you may want to deduct this expense in 2010 rather than the less than stellar 2009. Whatever the reason, contact us by phone 415 789-5219 or email Janet to discuss your questions or place an order.

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