Studio Manager 10 Demo Released


in New Demo, Online Documentation, Studio Manager 10

The Studio Manager 10 Demo is up and available on the Demo tab above at the far right. If you have any problems, questions at all, please let me know. You will find good help in the ReadMe document that is included in the demo folder that you download and unzip. Things like what’s the user name and password are included there.

It will take some time to update all the screenshots here on our site and also in the Demo Manual and Getting Started Manuals. Probably mid-January. Sorry, but we can’t start them until the product is done and these are serious and hopefully very good manuals. We trust that the Studio Manager 9.2 versions of the manuals will tide you over. And, if you find something confusing, don’t hesitate to call or email me personally.

One more thing, if you put Studio Manager or SM in the subject line, it turns red for me in Apple Mail and makes it easier for me to see your request.

Janet Tokerud
415 789-5219
My Email

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Corinne Scholz February 15, 2011 at 2:18 pm

Hello Janet,

You spoke to a man named Dennis Yesterday regarding Studio Manger 11 From Australia.

If you would be able to get back to us with some answeres that would be much appreciated as we are in our desision making time.

1. When there are 2 users from 2 computers is the progam linked to automatically update when either party makes changes?

Please get back to us as soon as possible as we would love to start tracking our progess very soon.

Kind regards,

Corinne Scholz
Denco Fabrication
07 4031 1182

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