Studio Manager 12 Nearing Launch


in FileMaker Go, iPad, iPhone, New Version, SM News, Studio Manager 12

This is the pre-release Studio Manager 12 Jobs entry screen as shown in FileMaker Go 12 on an iPad mini. Click twice to see this larger.

We are getting really close and our target release date is Tuesday, November 27th. Here are the two biggest deliverables in Studio Manager 12:

  1. A Lot More Power on the iPad. You will be able to create new jobs, new estimates and new invoices directly on an iPad mini or regular iPad! You can get key reports from your iPad and view them as PDF and/or send them as PDFs via email. If there is an iOS-friendly printer available, you can print invoices and estimates too.
  2. Complete UI Makeover using FileMaker 12’s new Design Surface. This is no small thing as we’ve been limited to a sort of MacPaint/MacDraw toolset.

We are doing final tweaks and testing now. Stay tuned for some tastes of Studio Manager 12 as time permits. We haven’t finalized pricing but expect to keep our current pricing.

Please note: Studio Manager 12 will require FileMaker 12. If you are an upgrader, you can also upgrade to Studio Manager 11 and get a free upgrade to 12 right now.

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