Why Studio Manager 14 Requires FileMaker 14


in FileMaker 12, FileMaker 13, FileMaker 14, New Version, Studio Manager 14

FileMaker Pro 14 is now about 3 months old and is good to go and clearly better than FileMaker Pro 13 and quite a bit better than FileMaker Pro 12. We have not as yet gotten requests to back track a little and make Studio Manager 14 also run on FileMaker Pro 13, so we are taking that as a sign.

FileMaker Pro 12 and beyond is a big architectural leap forward for FileMaker Inc.. As technology goes more mobile and cloud-based, technology-based software has to adapt in big ways. FileMaker is owned by Apple, so when it comes to iOS, they are going to have strong support and a strong foundation.

When you change the foundation fairly radically like was done in FileMaker 12 and beyond, you need time to fully build out the new features. FileMaker 14 is a very strong and improved step in that process and we aren’t eager to take a step backwards. We need to move forwards and will do so in our subsequent releases.

We recommend FileMaker 14. It is required by Studio Manager 14. On Mac, you need OS X 10.9 Mavericks to play. If you aren’t ready for Mavericks we have Studio Manager 13.1 for you — a very solid release and well worth your while if you need a jump up with your Studio Manager software or, heaven forbid, haven’t joined our band wagon. Please direct all calls or emails to chief Studio Manager architect, Janet Tokerud, at 415 272-8563 or janet.tokerud@gmail.com.

Jim Davis August 21, 2015 at 2:24 pm

Janet, This is Jim from Portland Oregon. I’m in the process of upgrading my MacBook Pro to OS 10.10 within two weeks. My intent is to purchase and upgrade on my SM8 license. When will SM14 be released? If I purchase and install SM13, is there an additional upgrade cost when SM14 is released. Also because I have slightly altered some of the reports will I have to change those again when SM14 is released?

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