The Free Studio Manager 13 Demo is Available


in FileMaker 13, New Demo, New Version, SM News, Studio Manager 13

This is our new Studio Manager 13 Demo

This is our new Studio Manager 13 Demo

The free and full-function Studio Manager 13 Demo is now available. It requires FileMaker Pro 13 or the free trial version of FileMaker Pro 13. We are still selling Studio Manager 12.5 for those who desperately need a good solution for managing their creative services work but aren’t ready to upgrade to FileMaker Pro 13 just yet.

This demo is really nice – our best yet. We tested, updated our demo data and then tested running the demo against the revised demo manual. We hope you enjoy it. It’s yours on the Demo tab here. The zipped package includes:

  • the full-function demo
  • the demo readme which includes login instructions and
  • the 33 page demo manual with an Appendix step-by-step walk-thru tutorial

Here’s a sample from the new SM13 Demo:

SM13 Jobs Entry Screen -- Estimates tab

SM13 Jobs Entry Screen — Estimates tab

Now back to updating the screenshots on this site. You’ll occasionally be seeing Studio Manager 12 screenshots instead of our much better-looking SM13 until this part of our launch is complete.

The Studio Manager 13 product is for sale now. We’ve taken the liberty of putting in a $200 discount across the price list which both new buyers and upgraders may appreciate. The single-user version is now down to $695 from $895 which it has been selling for the last couple releases.

Upgraders get the $200 discount and then get to apply a 30-60% discount on top of it. Upgraders should check out our Upgrades tab for pricing and other tips.

We are here to answer your questions at 415 937-0393 which rings our old-fashioned land line and Janet’s iPhone. We love to hear from you including your suggestions and requests, praise and complaints too. Go for it! You can comment here if you like but feel free to call. 

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