Stealth Launch of Studio Manager 13 — More to Follow


in FileMaker 13, Studio Manager 13

OK. We have the product available for sale — finally! Yay. We’ve already sold a couple copies to those who couldn’t wait any longer. Now we need to get our demo and demo manual done for those who want to kick the tires. That’s looking like next Monday, August 4th. If you want it sooner, though, come and get it. Questions are welcome too.

We actually have the first full-function version of the demo done and will be posting it in a day or two. Call Janet if you can’t wait another minute at Google Voice: 415 937-0393 which rings land line and iPhone to better serve you in a timely manner. Favor the iPhone voicemail if you don’t reach me and want to leave a message. I’ll send you a download link for the demo in its basic form sans fully revised Demo manual but still great for a test run!

Check out the SM13 and iOS tabs above for more details. They are being fleshed out still as of Thursday afternoon, July 31 but should be fully fleshed out by tomorrow.

Remember you can get a free trial version of FileMaker Pro 13 at and the FileMaker Go 13 app is free.

By the way, we may concoct a bargain or two over the weekend for your buying pleasure. Early adopters will get refunds if one is coming!

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