In May we made some small but valuable upgrades to bump up Studio Manager 12 a notch. That was May and resulted in our being awarded FileMaker’s iOS Optimized Badge. Now we are releasing the demo version so you can see the results. We are on a mission to make the best possible iOS database experience on the planet.
Try it out. It’s free. FileMaker Go is also free on the app store. [FileMaker Go for iPad iTunes]. [FileMaker Go for iPhone/iPod touch iTunes].
One of the distinguishing features of FileMaker Go is that it is customizable. Very few apps are. If you have your own business, hobby or project, you can fit the app to you. I wrote a blog post at my FileMaker Fever blog explaining one addition I made to an app I’m working on. I made my FileMaker app capable of doing a Chrome Search on my iPhone and iPad based on a the Places in my database.
There is a trend growing for iOS apps to be able to send and receive messages so that they can do things for each other. FileMaker Go is well equipped to do this. Read my FileMaker Fever post and do the same thing yourself if you want. FileMaker can be the glue that helps you get exactly what you want out of mobile and desktop. If you are already a FileMaker user, you’ve got an incredible tool at your disposal. Don’t waste the opportunity.