We are in the final stages of release of Studio Manager 14.5. It would be out by now but we need to get our demo, website, email and documentation squared away for the announcement.
If you are overdue for an upgrade or need a better way to manage your creative services business, keep your eyes peeled here. We’ve knocked off $200 at every price point and will announce a little extra holiday cheer via email soon. I hope your email is up to date. If you’ve moved, get the free demo and make sure to give us your current email address.
Screenshots Tour. Take peak at the Mac version of Studio Manager 14.5 on the Tour tab above, click the section you want for a brief description and then the section link for the full write up with screenshots for Billing, Job Tracking, Timesheets, Contact Management, Marketing and more.
The free Studio Manager 14 demo is available now on the demo tab here but the 14.5 demo is in the works. If you are interested and have the time right now, I recommend the SM14 demo now just so the holidays don’t get the better of you first.
SM14 Brochure as a PDF. If it would work better for you to have a brochure as a PDF to read at your leisure or pass along to a key person or 2 in your organization, try this 9 pager with 3 screenshots.
Call my iPhone if you need to get last minute questions answered or need anything else.
You’ll need FileMaker Pro 14 and it is a great upgrade. Keep in mind that iOS has FileMaker Go for free so that may help you out. — Janet